Klein, Nadia

Research focus within MERCURY
Within MERCURY, Nadia focuses on conceptual and theoretical questions related to multilateralism as well as on the institutional architecture of EU external relations.

Short C.V.
Dr. Nadia Klein is a research associate at the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science at the University of Cologne since 2003. In the framework of several international research projects, she has worked on the EU’s foreign and security policy as well as on questions of institutional reform in the EU. In her PhD thesis, she analysed delegation and agency problems in the EU’s civil-military crisis management. 

Since 2006, she has been a member of the network “European Foreign and security Policy Studies” (Compagnia di San Paolo, Italy; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden; Volkswagen-Stiftung, Germany) and the UACES Research Group on European Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Policies. Moreover, she is familiar with co-ordinating and managing research projects. In 2004 and 2005, she acted as the project officer for the Commission-funded transnational research group “IGC Net”.

E-Mail: nadia.klein(at)uni-koeln(dot)de

Website: www.wessels.uni-koeln.de    Personal Profile


Kunstein, Tobias

Research focus within MERCURY
Within MERCURY, Tobias focuses on the institutional architecture of EU external relations.

Short C.V.
Tobias Kunstein (Dipl.-Vw.) completed his studies of economics with special reference to political science at the University of Cologne in February 2007. His diploma thesis applied a constructivist approach to the conflict about European Central Bank Independence. Prior to taking up a post as research assistant at the Jean Monnet Chair, he worked as a student researcher for the FP5 and FP6 projects "EU Governance by Self -Coordination" (GOVECOR) and "New Modes of Governance" (NEWGOV). Following a period of leave for a postgraduate internship at the European Central bank from April to November 2008, he returned to the Jean Monnet Chair and has since worked on several research projects (EU-CONSENT, BAKöV, MERCURY). He is currently writing a PhD thesis on the external relations of the euro area.

E-Mail: tobias.kunstein(at)uni-koeln(dot).de

Website: www.wessels.uni-koeln.de    Personal Profile

Reiners, Wulf

Research focus within MERCURY
Within MERCURY, Wulf focuses on conceptual and theoretical questions related to Multilateralism as well as on the institutional architecture of EU external relations and the EU in International Organisations.

Short C.V.
Wulf Reiners, M.A., PhD candidate, works as a research associate at the Jean Monnet Chair since 2005. He finished his studies of Political Science, Eastern European History and Ethnology at the University of Cologne and Eötvös Loránd Tudomány Egyetem in Budapest with a thesis on “Conceptions of identity in Hungary”. In his postgraduate studies he has dealt with European environmental policy in the framework of a DFG (German Research Foundation) funded research project until 2007, when he became responsible for the multinational teaching programme PROTEUS, carried out in co-operation with Sciences Po, Paris and the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. He has also been working on the integrated FP6 project “NewGov – New Modes of Governance” and will establish the Marie Curie Initial Training Network “EXACT” in his function as the prospective project manager.

E-Mail: wulf.reiners(at)uni-koeln(dot)de

Website: www.wessels.uni-koeln.de    Personal Profile


Tekin, Funda

Research focus within MERCURY
Within MERCURY, Funda focuses on the institutional architecture of EU external relations and is engaged in Dissemination and Outreach.

Short C.V.

Funda Tekin (Dipl.Vw.) completed her studies of economics with special reference to political science at the University of Cologne in 2004.  Her diploma thesis dealt with the politico-administrative change in Turkey applying and testing the theoretical approach of Europeanisation. During her appointment as research assistant at the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Wessels (since September 2004) she has extended the research on EU Turkey relations and has additionally focused her research on flexibility and differentiated integration and the implications of the Lisbon Treaty. Furthermore, she has been analysing the EU in the international system being involved in research projects such as Foreign Policy Governance in Europe Research Network (FORNET; FP5); The Changing Landscape of Liberty and Security in Europe (CHALLENGE; FP6). Funda developed a set of virtual teaching units on the political system of the EU (European Political Science Network (epsNet)).From November 2005 to July 2009 Funda was the Project and Financial Manager of the FP6 Network of Excellence EU-CONSENT comprising more than 50 partner institutes all over Europe. She is currently finishing her PhD thesis on the subject of "Differentiated Integration at Work".

E-Mail: funda.tekin(at)uni-koeln(dot)de

Website: www.wessels.uni-koeln.de    Personal Profile


Wessels, Wolfgang

Research focus within MERCURY
Within MERCURY, Wolfgang Wessels focuses on conceptual and theoretical questions related to multilateralism as well as on the institutional architecture of EU external relations.

Short C.V.
Prof. Dr. Wessels has been Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science at the University of Cologne since 1994. He is chairman of the Executive Board of the Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin and of the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), Brussels. Since 1996 he has been visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin and taught at the Institut d´Etudes Politiques in Paris during the winter term 2004/2005. In 2007 he was awarded the Jean Monnet Award in gold. 

His priorities in teaching and research include the political system of the European Union, the role of the EU in the international system, the deepening and widening of the EU, the transformation of political systems in Europe and theories about international relations and European integration.

E-Mail: wessels(at)uni-koeln(dot)de

Website: www.wessels.uni-koeln.de    Personal Profile