Research focus within MERCURY
Within MERCURY, Nadia focuses on conceptual and theoretical questions related to multilateralism as well as on the institutional architecture of EU external relations.
Short C.V.
Dr. Nadia Klein is a research associate at the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science at the University of Cologne since 2003. In the framework of several international research projects, she has worked on the EU’s foreign and security policy as well as on questions of institutional reform in the EU. In her PhD thesis, she analysed delegation and agency problems in the EU’s civil-military crisis management.
Since 2006, she has been a member of the network “European Foreign and security Policy Studies” (Compagnia di San Paolo, Italy; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden; Volkswagen-Stiftung, Germany) and the UACES Research Group on European Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Policies. Moreover, she is familiar with co-ordinating and managing research projects. In 2004 and 2005, she acted as the project officer for the Commission-funded transnational research group “IGC Net”.
E-Mail: nadia.klein(at)uni-koeln(dot)de
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