Research focus within MERCURY
Within MERCURY, JIAN Junbo focuses on EU policy toward Africa and cooperation with China in Africa
Short C.V.
Jian Junbo, Dr., lecture of Centre for European Studies at Fudan University, China.
He was born in Hunan province located at the central part of China. As a researcher, he is mainly concentrating on European politics, Sino-Europe relations, political theory and international politics. He is the author of more than ten issued academic articles as well as the participant of several international academic conferences. He also co-edited one English book published in Germany. From 2004 to 2008, as a visiting PhD student or a scholar, he has studied at Hong Kong University, Durham University (UK) and Giessen University (Germany).
He teaches a bachelor student class on European Union’s politics and foreign affairs.
E-Mail: jianjunbo(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)cn
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