Welcome to Mercury!

MERCURY was a consortium of academic partners formed to examine critically the European Union's contribution to multilateralism. From 2009 to 2012, it explored multilateralism as a concept, an aspiration, and a form of international order. On this website, you will find more detailed descriptions of the project partners and the project structure as well as project results, namely 22 MERCURY E-papers and 5 Policy Briefs (see Publications), an online glossary on multilateralism (see Glossary) and the database DATEX on EU legal instruments in external policy fields (see DATEX database).

MERCURY Plenary, Brussels, 3-4 March 2010


January 2012: MERCURY Policy Brief No. 4 published

MERCURY has issued its fourth regular Policy Brief. The three-page Policy Brief summarises main f... [more...]

January 2012: MERCURY Policy Brief No. 3 published

In January 2012, MERCURY has issued its third regular Policy Brief, focusing on the EU's multilat... [more...]

January 2012: Two new MERCURY E-papers published

In January 2012, MERCURY E-papers no. 17 and 18 have been published on the MERCURY website. Apply... [more...]


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